
Jeff Rubin Quits CIBC

The Canadian Press March 27, 2009

Jeff Rubin, one of Canada's most highly visible economists, is leaving CIBC World Markets.

Rubin, best known for dramatic predictions on currency movements and oil prices, said today he has resigned from the investment banking arm of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (TSX: CM) to focus on a new book.

He will be succeeded as chief economist by Avery Shenfeld, who has been with CIBC since 1993. Shenfeld, who has a doctorate in economics from Harvard, previously held the title senior economist.

Rubin joined CIBC in 1988 and was named chief economist of CIBC World Markets in 1992, bringing an unusual flamboyance to the economics profession. He was among the first to predict crude oil prices over US$100 a barrel – though his expectation of $200-a-barrel oil has been confounded at least temporarily by the global recession.

His book, "Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller," will be published by Random House in May, arguing that future oil shortages will lead to the end of globalization.

"We've all got our eyes right now on the global financial meltdown, but I believe that oil scarcity will change the global economy even more profoundly and in the process change all of our lives – from where we work to where we live to what we eat," Rubin stated.

"I believe it's important to deliver this book's message in as many places and to as many people as possible."


Confusion in America - Amérique confuse

Shopping – Americans were told a few weeks ago – was part of the problem because buying stuff with money you don’t have is a bad idea.

Now economists (and politicians) say that shopping is part of the cure.

But - they add - once America is cured, it really needs to learn how to save.

Your thoughts?


Il y a à peine quelques semaines, les Américains se sont fait dire que trop de consommation à crédit, ce n'est pas une très bonne idée.

Maintenant, les économistes (et les politiciens) affirment que la consommation fait partie de la solution.

Mais, ajoutent-ils, lorsque l'économie américaine sera guérie, il faudra apprendre à économiser.

Vos opinions?


Beyond Organic / Au-delà du biologique

In case you're one of those few people who are already gardening organically and need a challenge, here is a TreeHugger article about what lies beyond the organic horizon:
- Integrated pest management
- No-Till agriculture
- Biodynamic agriculture
- Permaculture


Si vous comptez parmi ceux qui jardinent déjà bio et qui avez besoin d'un nouveau défi, voici un article de TreeHugger qui pourrait vous intéresser.

Rooftop Gardening / Jardiner sur les toits

Rooftops are wasted space. They're bathed in sunlight and sometimes almost as accessible as back yards. This website is dedicated to using these much neglected spaces.


Les dessus de toit sont des espaces gaspillés. Ils baignent au soleil et sont parfois presque aussi accessibles que les cours arrières. Ce site Web est consacré à employer ces espaces négligés.


Carrot Mob

Although it would be a really cool idea to use a stick mob against environmental corporate criminals, a carrot mob is more productive. Check out these two websites for more information on organising to use corporate greed to ours and our environment's advantage:



Is a Food Revolution Now in Season?

New York Times
Published: March 21, 2009

AS tens of thousands of people recently strolled among booths of the nation’s largest organic and natural foods show here, munching on fair-trade chocolate and sipping organic wine, a few dozen pioneers of the industry sneaked off to an out-of-the-way conference room.

Full article here


New Yort Times Article

Obamas Prepare to Plant White House Vegetable Garden

Published: March 19, 2009
WASHINGTON — On Friday, Michelle Obama will begin digging up a patch of White House lawn to plant a vegetable garden, the first since Eleanor Roosevelt’s victory garden in World War II. There will be no beets (the president doesn’t like them) but arugula will make the cut.

NY Times


The Hidden Link Between Factory Farms and Human Illness

Laura Sayre
Mother Earth News Online

You may be familiar with many of the problems associated with concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs. These “factory farm” operations are often criticized for the smell and water pollution caused by all that concentrated manure; the unnatural, grain-heavy diets the animals consume; and the stressful, unhealthy conditions in which the animals live. You may not be aware, however, of the threat such facilities hold for you and your family’s health — even if you never buy any of the meat produced in this manner.

Factory farms are breeding grounds for virulent disease, which can then spread to the wider community via many routes — not just in food, but also in water, the air, and the bodies of farmers, farm workers and their families. Once those microbes become widespread in the environment, it’s very difficult to get rid of them.

Entire article here


San Fransisco Examiner Article

Preparing city for life after oil

By Joshua Sabatini
Examiner Staff Writer 3/15/09

SAN FRANCISCO – To avoid “a much darker future” The City should pursue transforming a city golf course into farmland, offer free Muni to low-income residents and quickly turn garages of homes into livable spaces, according to a city task force whose mission is to prepare San Francisco for an oil shortage.

The so-called Peak Oil Preparedness Task Force was created in December 2007 and has spent the last 15 months hammering out a plan that would transform San Francisco into a city with more people riding Muni, chicken coops in backyards, widespread farming on public and private lands, and extensive use of wind, solar and tidal energy.

Headed toward a greener future: The City’s Peak Oil Preparedness Task Force has suggested disincentives for driving cars as one of 70 recommendations to wean San Francisco from oil dependency.

“A much darker future” could “unfold” if The City does not see through the more than 70 recommendations in the 97-page report, the task force says. The task force is expected to finalize the report Tuesday and later submit it to the Board of Supervisors.

The report touches on an array of topics, including public power, citywide high-speed Internet access for every resident, requiring energy audits of buildings at point of sale, raising the charges at city parking facilities and meters and other disincentives for driving cars. All recommendations are based on reducing The City’s dependence on oil.

Task force chair Jeanne-Marie Rosenmeier said she is “optimistic” the members of the board will implement the recommendations, and suggested they do so within five years.

“It’s a great opportunity for San Francisco,” she said.

In May 2007, Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi introduced a resolution establishing the task force to prepare The City for a significant decline in oil, which would skyrocket city costs.

Among the reports recommendations is to have the Recreation and Park Department study “what portions of parklands and golf courses could be changed from recreational to food production uses.” The report also recommends exploring a tax on fast-food sales to help fund local food production.

The report predicts that oil cost will increase prompting many more people to give up driving cars.

“Building owners may increasingly choose to convert former garage space to living space or other uses,” the report says. “The Building Department should begin now to establish an expedited permit process for these conversions.”

If The City implements the recommendations, the task force envisions that come 2050 “San Franciscans are far ‘happier’ than they were in the early 21st century.”

Peak oil

What it is: A theory that oil is a finite resource that at some point will reach a maximum level of output

What could happen: After oil reaches its maximum output, supply will drop off, leading to a shortage and an increase in cost.

When it could happen: There is no consensus among experts on when an oil decline would occur. Some say as late as the 2030s, while others argue it has already begun.


Urban Homesteaders - Fermiers Urbains

Check out this family that declared food independance in 1973 and is doing it all in the city. Sites include: http://www.pathtofreedom.com/ and http://freedomgardens.org/. If they can do it, we can too!


Allez voir les sites de cette famille qui ont déclaré leur indépendance alimentaire en 1973 et qui ont tout fait en ville. Leurs sites (ANG) incluent http://www.pathtofreedom.com/ et http://freedomgardens.org/. Nous pouvons le faire si eux l'ont fait!


PCGM goes to City Council - PCGM devant le conseil municipal

Post Carbon Greater Moncton will be making a presentation to Moncton City Council on April 6, 2009. We will be telling Council about our plans for an urban experimental farm (including raising chickens) in the summer of 2009. During the experiment, we will ask Council not to enforce a bylaw that prohibits city chickens.

More on this soon...


Grand Moncton Post Carbone fera une présentation au conseil municipal de Moncton le 6 avril prochain. Nous ferons part au conseil de nos plans pour une ferme expérimentale urbaine à l'été 2009 (y compris l'élevage de poules). Nous demanderons au conseil de ne pas appliquer un règlement municipal qui interdit l'élevage de poules en ville.

À suivre...

Vancouver allows urban chickens

Chicken coop for the soul

Vancouver city council delights aficionados by approving plan to allow urban hen houses, but ruffles feathers of poultry association


VANCOUVER -- They cluck and bob around backyards from New York to Victoria, providing endless hours of delight to their owners, along with a few freshly laid eggs every other day.

Backyard chickens have become the new "it" animal for urbanites striving for simple, sustainable living habits. Now, Vancouver is poised to join the North American wave of affection for all things chicken after city council approved a plan to allow city dwellers to keep the birds in their own backyards.

Globe and Mail

Christophe de Margerie prédit le pic pétrolier

Dans cet article du Globe and Mail, Christophe de Margerie, le président de Total, un géant européen du pétrole, prédit le pic pétrolier.

In this Globe and Mail article, Christophe de Margerie, president of Total, one of the largest oil companies in the world, predicts peak oil.


Peak Oil cartoon

Peak Oil Debunked (humor...)

Info Hub - Site d'info

We've discovered a magnificent tool for sharing information! Visit the following site for all sorts of information regarding Post Carbon Greater Moncton: http://drop.io/postcarbonmoncton

Nous avons découvert un outil magnifique pour partager de l'information! Visitez le site suivant pour toutes sortes d'informations concernant le Grand Moncton Post Carbone: http://drop.io/postcarbonmoncton

Greater Moncton Gardens Video - Video Jardins du Grand Moncton